Calling all 3rd- 8th Graders
All Plainfield students 3-8 are invited to participate in the first annual Plainfield Fall Show Choir Clinic. Students will get the opportunity to work with current show choir members, teachers, and choreographers. After the clinic, participants will get the opportunity to perform at the Plainfield Fall Concert!
Go to this link to register:
Choir Mega Tour - Orlando March 25 - 30, 2025
The slideshow below is everything discussed at the meeting on September 10th about the choir tour. Included is how to get registered. We know there were many questions. Some Mr. Hummel may be able to answer and others can be directed towards Nathan Voges who is our BRT representative
The trip is priced $100-$200 below what it would cost for families to pay for everything included in the trip and drive themselves down to Orlando. Students will perform at Disney and also be part of a very unique sound stage performance and recording opportunity with a professional at Disney!The first 110 people who are registered will get to go. Students and Chaperones are first priority, but family members may attend as well. If you want to go we are asking for students and chaperones (adults) to register by September 20th and payments will begin on September 27th.
The first payment is a NON-REFUNDABLE $100 Deposit.
PHS Choir Mega Tour – Orlando March 2025